Brigg and District Breast Cancer Support Group Forum
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 welcome from Angie

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Angie Posted - 24/03/2006 : 16:42:17
I wish to take this great first day of our website becoming live,to welcome all viewers to our site.
Our group has come a very long way since It was founded by myself on Jan 2002 with an enormous lot of help from my husband ,family and friends and fellow supporters , its now four years old and very well attended and so full of life.
Our group means so much to myself and I care for it with a great passion.
I hope all those of who you come and join us will, soon feel the warmth of care in our friendly enviroment and hope you will find within our group your own way of self help and support. Our committee and our members, I know will help in trying to make this possible for you you.
So for now hope you enjoye looking around our website,
With Kind Caring Regards, from Angie Benson.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SteveB Posted - 30/03/2006 : 04:44:17
hi Angie.
Just like to say thank you for your help and support these last few months, and to the rest of the group for their support too.
I realy needed it .

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