Brigg and District Breast Cancer Support Group Forum
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Angie Posted - 21/02/2007 : 12:43:09
Hello , just to say having been to our Feb group meeting , the speaker on Cancer research in our areas (none that I had not been aware of ),was one of the most informative and intersting talks I have heard in a long time.Speaker was so warm and freindly and had us all clinging to her every words .I look forward so much when she is able to give us a return visit.
Kind regardes
Angie - Benson
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Christine Posted - 21/02/2007 : 22:45:07
We also look forward to Dorothy`s next talk, it sounds very interesting what they are doing at Castle Hill hospital. Sylvia wondered if it was perfectly safe to take biopsies and Dorothy says she will ask the professor.
I`ve agreed to sponsor Michelle and Carolyn on the sleepwalk, they are younger than me, and I also know exactly how tired they will feel after 13 miles, having done a half marathon when I was forty. But it`s all in a good cause, isn`t it.
From Christine.

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